If you are in upper management, you have likely had the opportunity to interview prospective candidates for a job.
For many, interviewing can seem like a time-consuming task that is more of a formality than an effective step in the hiring process. However, by conducting an interview the right way, you can learn all you need to know to make the right hiring decision.
If you are in charge of interviewing and are wondering what are good interview questions to ask, here are a few to get you started.
1. Tell Me About Yourself
This is a classic question that can also work as an icebreaker for the interview. By asking about the candidate, you can learn information that can help you make the right decision. This is a general question that can get the interview started on the right foot.
2. Why Did You Leave Your Previous Company?
This is one of the best interview questions ask because it shows you how positive or negative your candidate may be. If the interviewee speaks negatively about their previous employer, it might be a red flag that they have problems fitting in. On the other hand, you should look for a level of honesty in their answer.
3. What Is Your Working Style?
This is a common interview question that will give you insight into how the candidate will fit with the company culture. Depending on the position, you may need to get specific, like needing to ask these questions for a bookkeeping job. While the candidate may seem perfect for the position, clashing working styles can be a reason to consider someone else.
4. What Should I Know About You That’s Not on Your Resume?
Occasionally, a candidate will leave important information off of their resume that can help you make your decision. Asking if they have any additional information to offer can uncover a few interesting facts. In some cases, this question may lead you to information that shows they are a good or poor fit for the job.
5. Do You Have Any Questions for Me?
While you will probably spend most of the interview asking questions, you can learn a lot about a candidate from the questions they have for you.
If they are asking about long-term opportunities, the candidate is probably looking for stable employment. If they ask about vacation, time off, and other non-working days, they might have an attendance problem. This is a great opportunity to learn what your prospective employee is expecting from the position.
These Are Good Interview Questions to Ask a Prospective Employee
These are good interview questions to ask when you are talking to a prospective employee.
Start by breaking the ice and learning about the candidate. You should also ask about their previous experience and their working style. Make sure to ask if the employee is looking for long-term employment and can provide any new and helpful information.
By asking these questions, you’ll be well on your way to choosing the right candidate.
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