
Several organizations advocate for the environment. They work hard to ensure that people stand on their feet and take action. However, these organizations rely on people for funding. As non-profits, they don’t have the means to earn money to keep the programs going. Therefore, it’s important to have fundraising strategies that will keep these programs active.


The good thing about organizing a concert is that you guarantee success. People will surely come if you invite a celebrity to perform. You can sell tickets at different prices depending on the location. If you have major sponsors, they can sit close to the performer and have special privileges. Also, while the concert is going on, you can talk about the organization and its cause. You raise funds, but also discuss what the organization does in the process.

Dinner gala 

Lots of wealthy people are willing to donate to a cause. They don’t mind spending money for advocacy they believe in. Besides, charity donations can be deducted from their taxes. Therefore, hosting a dinner gala is a good way to raise funds by getting the attention of people who can afford to spend more.

Fun run

When hosting this event, you can target both environmental and health causes. People who care about the environment and are particular about health will definitely take part. You can earn money through registration fees and sponsorships. Just make sure you keep the area clean once the fun run is over. It’s possible for this activity to cause a lot of trash. It would be detrimental to the organization if the event led to piles of trash. It will discourage people from ever helping the organization again. 

If the event happens in Chicago, you can partner with Evergreen Junk Removal. The good thing is that they will help with trash disposal. You can say that not only did you keep the entire area clean, but you also properly disposed of the trash with the help of the removal company.

Lucky draw

You can give away prizes to encourage people to join. The good thing is that people will feel encouraged to participate, considering the chance of getting something in return. They won’t think they’re giving away their money for nothing. Make sure the prizes are reasonable enough, or you can find sponsors for the prizes; otherwise, you will end up spending more than the amount raised.

Be patient

Regardless of the fundraising strategy you use, it won’t be easy. You have to be patient in waiting for results. You also need to see if your ideas work and to what extent. You can use the same idea next time if it works; otherwise, you should come up with more effective strategies. 

Be transparent with whatever amount you collect through the fundraising activity. You want people to support the cause and donate again next time. Any lack of transparency might discourage them from ever donating to the cause again.