How to Clean a Vape

Most people rely on just three vape products each day, and it is important that you know how to keep them clean. Whilst in most cases the vape juice is very much kept inside the small vial, as we inhale the vapor and as the liquid moves through the pipes of the vape pen, it does leave some deposits. Additionally you will find that on the charging unit, at the point of connection between the charger and the pen, that some liquid residue will be left there. If this is not cleaned correctly then you are going to have problems in the future with the function of those products. 

This liquid can create a gluey substance which attracts all kinds of dirt and grit, not to mention the fact that it will stick to clothes and other personal items. Here then is how to make sure that you keep those products clean

When to Clean Items

If you get through a vape liquid product in a month, then giving everything a good clean each time you change the cartridge is a smart idea. If you finish a liquid over a longer period than this then a monthly clean makes the best sense. Additionally there is also the risk of a broken vial, in which case you should certainly look to give all of your products a clean after this has happened. 

Basic Cleaning Supplies

There is no need to use any kind of abrasive chemical here, as all we are looking to use is a solution which breaks down the liquid so that we can clean it off. Additionally we don’t want to use any harmful chemicals, after all we will be inhaling from those products once it is clean. The best product to use here is some rubbing alcohol, a simple product which is hygienic and which will certainly do the job. 


The first step is to remove the cartridge which houses the liquid, and dismantle the main unit into as many pieces as possible. Take each piece and apply rubbing alcohol using a cotton swab. This will begin the process whereby the alcohol cuts away at the texture of the liquid, in order to then clean it off afterwards without having a sticky mess. Once you have applied the alcohol leave it to dry, before using a slightly damp paper towel to pull away at any liquid residue which remains. 

Repeat this process for the base and tip of the juice cartridge, as well as at the point of entry of the charger. Make sure that everything has dried off and then check to ensure that no vape juice remains. If you find the the first process hasn’t gotten rid of all of the vape juice, be sure to go back to the beginning and follow these steps again. 

Finally you should cut the cotton end away from a swab, and use the remaining plastic to push down through the tube of the pen, in order to clean off any debris or dried liquid which may be stuck. Reassemble your pen and enjoy some fresh and clean vaping.